Reimers Electra Steam - Blog

Stainless Steel Electric Boilers

When stainless vessels and piping is required for a boiler project Reimers can build them with fast lead times. Often a customer wants to maximize their steam purity by using stainless materials. Reimers can provide filters as well.

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Blowdown Electric Boilers in a Safe Manner

Education is important with any machine operation. With an electric boiler the need to keep contaminants out of the vessel are critical for longer life and uninterrupted service. A good blowdown process will satisfy these needs in a safe manner. Explosion and burn hazards are at risk when improper tanks are used to receive hot water and steam.

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Electric Boiler Hybrid Operation 2

Hybrid boiler technology is designed to bring the lowest possible operating cost a consumer by management of energy options. Three modes are possible with Reimers controls: 100% electric/proportions of electric and fossil fuel/fossil fuel.

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Electric Boiler Hybrid Operation

What is the new technology desired by cost conscious boiler owners? Hybrid operation, where electric boiler advantages are combined in use with gas or oil burner operation. Hybrid design allows maximum use of changing energy prices.

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SCCR Ratings in Electric Boilers

The SCCR (Short Circuit Current Rating) of an electric boiler states the maximum current a boiler can safely withstand during a short circuit event. Results are expected to not create undue damage or create a safety hazard. The rating is specified on the boiler and determined by the electrical components used and the protective devices used. Ratings on quality boilers will be at 100 kiloamps (kA).

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Electric Boilers with Bacnet BMS

Reimers designed and fabricates hot water boilers powered 100% by electric elements. The vertical power distribution cabinet allows floor space savings. Inside the cabinet disconnects are optional to break power to the high voltage element circuits. Built in SCR control of one or more elements make for infinite power control and smooth ramping of power to prevent surges in the supply feeder.

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Vertical Design Electric Boiler for Water

Reimers listens to what is needed in the changing electric boiler market. Space saving design is available up to 700KW. A new style power distribution cabinet and control box allow significant floor space to be saved. Another feature is that this boiler can fit through standard personnel doors.

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Custom Made Electric Boiler With Tank

Making special products is welcomed at Reimers. When a customer requested a specific paint color we were able to match the tint, and produce a steam boiler that looked like other products they offer. The boiler is a 300 KW steam vessel.

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Steam Discharge From Electric Boilers

Controlling steam flow is important to maintain safe and durable piping. Any abrupt release of energy, steam, water, or other can cause mechanical abuse on delivery systems. Abrupt release creates a surge or void in the vessel steam chamber. The effect can be to make water levels fluctuate undesirably and even create alarms that cause boiler shut down.

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RV60 – RV210 Electric Steam Boiler Series 

Reimers Model RV60-RV210 Steam Boiler vertical boiler design; very low floor space requirements.

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Heat Exchanger

Works as a tankless water heater. Produces potable hot water and uses no valuable floor space. Resides inside the boiler. ASME construction.

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FIND Your Boiler.

Steam Worksheet & Replacement Parts for Your Boiler