Some states like California want to achieve carbon neutrality. They want to achieve reduction or elimination of greenhouse gases. Carbon neutrality means that all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions emitted into the atmosphere are balanced in equal measure by GHGs that are removed from the atmosphere, either through carbon sinks or carbon capture and storage. Work specifically focuses on ways to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from energy use in buildings, transportation, and industry, including methane, nitrous oxide, and refrigerant gases: hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons, sulfur hexafluoride, and nitrogen trifluoride.
Reimers Electra Steam, Inc. has been manufacturing electric boilers, electric steam generators and quality steam products since 1908. We specialize in numerous applications including: humidification, bakery ovens, garment care, steam cleaning, sterilization, comfort heating, dry cleaning, laboratories, food service, steam baths, and process steam. Electric Steam Boilers Our steam cleaners and boilers are manufactured to meet all of your steam needs in a convenient, safe, and economical way. All boilers are built in accordance with requirements of the ASME boiler and pressure vessel code ASMECSD-1 and bear the national board stamp (CSA + CRN Available).
Safer Operation
Electric boilers are flameless and safer. There is no fossil fuel burned so no chimney or stack to put gases in to the atmosphere. This eliminates the risk of flareback, firebox explosions, and smoke damage.
Convenient Location
Place our electric boiler adjacent to the application. Oil or gas fired boilers require a separate boiler room.
Dryer Steam
Our electric steam generators provide dry, saturated steam. Oil or gas fired boilers often require long steam lines which result in excessive condensation.
Economical Installation
Electrical wiring is less expensive to run than steam piping. Not having a separate boiler room or vented exhaust saves money.