One boiler feature most people are not aware of is that when the power goes off their boiler will not come back on when the power does. Reimers boilers are able to restart automatically, safely, to keep your process working, your plant heating continued, or sterilization working.
Staging of heating elements to manage power usage is a way to save on hidden utility costs. Reimers offers staging in many boiler models. The heating elements are individually managed and never powered on at the same time.
Why treat water used in your system? To prevent damage and maintain efficiency. Electric steam boilers and electric hot water systems are prone to lose water through servicing, leaks, or evaporation. That water must be replaced. Doing it correctly can make a big difference to your equipment.
Boilers need water to operate. Condensate return tanks are often used to save energy. A pump is use to move water from the tank to the boiler.
Weather is turning cold, is it time to commit to a new or replacement electric boiler?
Manufacturers of electric boilers are pushed to be more effective at design and customer service. Reducing installation time and having simpler incorporation of boilers in to processes is a silent demand. Reimers created a one page boiler startup sheet to help technicians and customers assure the equipment is working proper and safe.
Yes it can be in many ways. Compared to the options of diesel or gas, the current state of energy direction points to electric. If the potential job site has suitable electrical power an electric boiler should be considered.
Many advantages come from choosing an electric boiler system. Tax credit, quiet operation, finite control of power input, no chimney, no fuel tank to name a few. Electric boilers from Reimers are safety tested, and approved by 3rd party agencies.
A floor space saving design. The concept is a reality. Vertical assembly allows a boiler to be mounted at working level and a blowdown tank placed under the boiler. Reimers can fabricate a custom frame to fit your business. No custom fees will be added to the cost of the package.
Reimers Model RV60-RV210 Steam Boiler vertical boiler design; very low floor space requirements.
VIEW SpecifICation PDFWorks as a tankless water heater. Produces potable hot water and uses no valuable floor space. Resides inside the boiler. ASME construction.
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