We believe the most reliable electric boilers are made at Reimers in Virginia, USA. What makes them the top quality they are is decades of experience in electric powered heating equipment. Reimers started in 1908. They specialize in numerous applications including: humidification, bakery ovens, garment care, steam cleaning, sterilization, comfort heating, dry cleaning, laboratories, food service, steam baths, and process steam. Our steam cleaners and boilers are manufactured to meet all of your steam needs in a convenient, safe, and economical way. All boilers are built in accordance with requirements of the ASME boiler and pressure vessel code ASMECSD-1 and bear the national board stamp (CSA + CRN Available).
Reimers boilers require very little maintenance if blown down daily. We do suggest that the boiler be examined after the first 90 days for calcium buildup (to evaluate if more or less blowdowns are required), clean probes, and generally look for problems. It is a good habit to have a technician replace the gauge glass every year, check for leaks, internally examine boiler, clean probes, and other helpful steps to prevent unwanted down time.