Large Electric Powered Steam Boiler

Most of Reimers boilers are built with controls to step in and out the power circuits at selected time delays. This permits a gradual power draw and is more effective at smooth transition. Incremental electrical power control steps of 15, 20, 30, or 60 kw is typical. Where more finite control is desired the SCR option can provide a 0-100% output of an element's kw rating. Two SCR circuits are an option. Boilers are available in low and higher psi operation. ASME Sect 1 and Sect 4 builds are available.

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RV60 – RV210 Electric Steam Boiler Series 

Reimers Model RV60-RV210 Steam Boiler vertical boiler design; very low floor space requirements.

VIEW SpecifICation PDF

Heat Exchanger

Works as a tankless water heater. Produces potable hot water and uses no valuable floor space. Resides inside the boiler. ASME construction.

VIEW specification PDF

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