Electric Boilers with Factory Built Feed and Blowdown Tanks

Reimers has the ability to fabricate hundreds of different boiler models to produce steam or hot water. With KW inputs up into the hundreds and multiple voltages Reimers can match a facilities needs. Condensate returns will save energy costs. The blowdown in the photo is a closed tank. Steam and hot water never have opportunity to reach an operator. Multiple blowdowns can be done before the tank would need drained. Reimers holds ASME and UL cUL listings in the US and Canada.

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RV60 – RV210 Electric Steam Boiler Series 

Reimers Model RV60-RV210 Steam Boiler vertical boiler design; very low floor space requirements.

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Heat Exchanger

Works as a tankless water heater. Produces potable hot water and uses no valuable floor space. Resides inside the boiler. ASME construction.

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